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浏览次数:14012次 发布时间:2016-05-06 【关闭】 字体:  


Breathe.It will be okay.


   1. Not so good---”God will never give you more than you can handle.”


     Even if the person has a faith system that includes God,this phrase has the  tacit implication that if you can’t handle things,you must not have enough faith,  you’re  a bad Christian,etc.


     Better--”This must be so hard for you.”


     2. Not so good----”I’m sure it’s all for the best.”


      ACK!Try really hard not to say this! Right now,the grieving person doesn’t see that anything is for the best except to have her loved one back.


      Better-----”it’s hard to understand  why these things happen.”


     3. Not  so good--Saying nothing at all.


      This is actually one of the worst things that can happen to a grieving person:having people ignore his pain.If  you  are not sure what to say,or are

Uncertain,that the person wants to talk about it,it’s ok to say just that.


    Better---I’m  not sure what to say  but I want  you  to know I’m here for you.


       4. Not  so  good---”He’s  in a better place” or “Just he isn’t in pain anymore.”


       These things are always so well-intentioned,but ouch!The place the griver wants him to be is with her,no matter how much pain he was in or how difficult the caregiving was.


      Better ---”You must miss him terribly.”


      5. Not so good--”I know exactly how you feel.”


        This is very tempting to say,but be careful: Even if you have experienced a loss,each person has their unique path to travel so you can’t know exactly how he feels.


      Better---”I cant  begin to understand how you feel.”



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